

Coach, despite being a word of English origin, has its ancestry in the word KÓCSI, as the products and inhabitants of the town of KÓCS, in Hungary, were called. The Kócsi were also famous in Europe, in the fifteenth century, for being excellent coach makers. At that time, the word was also used as a synonym for tutor. In 1813, the word was adopted by Oxford University students to designate their professors who helped them through summer school. In this period, Oxford adopted this word to differentiate physical education teachers from others. In the 1960s, in the US, companies received a strong contribution from the capital market. New shareholders demand increasing profits. Companies decide to lay off their older, more expensive staff, and this creates a crisis in developing leaders in companies. The figure of the coach then emerges as an expert in developing leaders. Nowadays, we relate the word, most popularly, for coaches in Sports.

Applied both to executives seeking the process, individually, and to companies seeking to develop executives or ‘key talents’ for their higher leadership, executive coaching for female leadership promotes, through periodic meetings, an opportunity for the coachee to improve her leadership competences, self-knowledge, self-development and create action plans, in order to achieve the desired results. It’s a realistic, focused, and successful model for developing executives who are already in leadership, or who want to be in leadership, working towards the next steps in their careers.

Find out more about how executive coaching for female leadership can help you reach your professional goal, and/or support your company in developing new and current female leaders, in a personalized and objective way!

Service available to individuals and companies, in Portuguese/English/Spanish.

Let’s do it!